The Journey of Olive Oil: From Tree to Table

Oct 04, 2023

The Genesis of Olive Oil

Every bottle of olive oil has a story to tell - a journey that begins within the heart of an olive tree. The process of creating olive oil is a beautiful synthesis of tradition, art, and science, bringing together centuries-old techniques with modern technology to produce one of the world's most cherished culinary staples.

olive trees

Cultivating the Olive Trees

The journey starts with the cultivation of olive trees. These trees, native to the Mediterranean region, require specific climate conditions to thrive. They need a long, hot growing season and a cool winter. This allows the olives to slowly mature and develop their rich flavors. The trees are pruned to allow sunlight to reach the inner branches, encouraging the growth of olives.

The Harvest

As autumn arrives, the olives change color from green to a deep purple, signaling that they are ready for harvest. The harvesting process, or 'la raccolta', can be done by hand or with mechanical shakers. Hand picking is labor-intensive but ensures the best quality olives are selected. Mechanical shakers are used for larger productions and are more efficient, but they can cause bruising to the olives.

olive harvest

Pressing the Olives

Once harvested, the olives are transported to the mill where they are washed and crushed into a paste. This paste is then mixed, or 'malaxed', to allow the oil droplets to combine. The oil is then separated from the solids and water in a centrifuge. It is during this pressing process that the olives release their precious oil, creating the 'liquid gold' that we know and love.

Storing and Bottling

After pressing, the oil is stored in stainless steel tanks to protect it from light and heat, which can degrade the oil and affect its taste. The oil is then bottled, ready to be shipped and enjoyed by consumers worldwide. The final product is a testament to the care and dedication that goes into every step of the journey, from the cultivation of the olive trees to the bottling of the oil.

olive oil bottles

The Role of Olive Oil in the Kitchen

Olive oil is a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, renowned for its health benefits and its role in enhancing the flavors of food. It is used in a myriad of dishes, from simple salads to complex stews, and is just as delicious when used for dipping bread as it is when used for cooking. Its versatility and rich, distinctive flavor make it a staple in kitchens around the world.


The journey of olive oil from tree to table is a fascinating one, steeped in tradition and requiring a great deal of skill and knowledge. It is a journey that respects the rhythms of nature, celebrates the art of gastronomy, and ultimately, produces a product that is a joy to consume. So the next time you drizzle olive oil over your salad or dip your bread into a pool of this golden liquid, take a moment to appreciate the journey that has brought it to your table.